The crescent moon is the beginning of every month for the Arabs use a lunar calendar, not a solar calendar, and that is how they know the beginning and ending month of Ramadan. I also believe that the Allah of Mohammed is Satan for he is the lord of the world. (See Qur’an 1:1 when compared to the Bible, 2 Cor. 4:4.) Allah is also known as the best deceiver as we read in Qur’an 3:54 and 8:30. He also leads people astray as we read in Qur’an 35:8. He also desires to fill hell with people as we read in Qur’an 38:85, 11:119, and 32:13.
Q. Looking at the parable of the King of Babylonia of Isa. 14, specifically verse 12.
“How you have fallen from the heavens, O glowing morning star; been cut down to the ground, O conqueror of nations?”
I find a deeper meaning than the common held understanding of this verse. The term, “heylel” [ eliyl – idol ] in Hebrew refers to the star Venus
or the son of darkness [ laylah ]. Venus and Athar appear to have the same meaning. In the Babylonian / Thamud gods, safaitic [ northern arabic? ]
they use the name “halah” and in southern Arabic (?) they use the term “allah” having the same meaning. This appears as though Venus and Allah
may possibly one and the same pagan star or moon idol? Please correct, if there is a error in this, please enlighten.
Mohammed did not invent the word Allah for God. Christians who lived in Muhammed’s days believed in God to be called Allah. This is actually a Hebrew word which is Alohiem according to Mohammed’s teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith is not the moon god Leh. When Mohammed mentioned a law in the Qur’an and in the Hadith, he meant the God of the Bible and the proof is he always links Allah to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all of the biblical names, but in reality Allah the god of Mohammed is nothing other than Satan himself. As we read in the Qur’an chapter 1:1, Allah is known to be the god of the worlds. According to the Bible, he is Satan. Mohammed also stated in the Qur’an that Allah is the best deceiver (Qur’an 3:54 and 8:30), Allah is also the one who leads people astray (Qur’an 35:8), and he desires to fill hell with people (Qur’an 38:85). I personally do not believe that Allah is the moon god because you cannot support it anywhere in the Qur’an.
Q. Is it true that “Isa” is the false Jesus of the Qur’an and “Yasu” or “Yasou” is the name which Arab-speaking Christians use for our Lord Jesus? If so, how should we respond to Christian leaders and organizations in this country (the U.S.) who are using the name “Isa” in their ministries or in their prayers?